Shopping Scores This Month

By Mandi 06/28/2012

Happy Thursday!!

I have found some pretty fantastic treasures this month that I wanted to show off a little. Its so fun to see as my style evolves the things that I gravitate toward.

This month has been filled with really funky retro finds. Probably my favorite chair ever to have walked the fce of the earth is this blue beauty. Found at the DI (Utah’s version of Goodwill) for wait for it..$8.00.

Blue Leather Thrift Store Chair

I love the back nailhead trim and the little brass legs, and I LOVE how the blue leather is so worn that the actual color of the leather is coming through. It makes my crap loving heart SING! This sweet thing has a perfect spot in my living room.

One of the projects that it at the top of my to do list involevs this crazy fun fabric. I found 2 vintage drapes at a store in St. George called Urban Renewal. They hadnt even priced them yet and I was like “…well, can you do it? Because if you cant I will sit here until next Tuesday when the owner comes back in…” so they did and I was on my way. $26 for the pair.

Retro Floral Drapes


That same shopping trip I found the cute wood and brass antelope that now watches guard over Court as he plays the Xbox. It was a little more than I wanted to spend but I have an obsession with all thing wood right now and bit the bullet. $38.00

Mid Century Modern Credenza

While Court and I were in Paris we found ourselves in this really cool hipster furnishings store. There were animal heads and skulls everywhere and they had some really amazing industrial lighting. Tangent. Sorry. Anyways I HAD to buy something there to remember it and this curly sheep’s horn was perfect for my Entryway! 28 Euro

Sheep's Horn Decor


And last but not least I found this outdoor lantern at Homegoods that I am going to turn into a fab light for Ivie’s room! Clearance $29.00


Have you found anything great this month?

Love  Your  Guts,  Mandi

22 thoughts on “Shopping Scores This Month”

  1. Okay, so I have to ask, what do you do with all your projects and things you find? Do you have a storage unit and just rotate your furnishings a few times a year? I love your stuff, if I had done all those projects, I’m not sure I could bear to part with them! Have a great day!

    1. I’m pretty sure she collects furniture throughout the year to resale at her yard sale. That can only explain the hoarding that goes on in the garage. :). Aren’t you jealous how her goodwill sells things so cheaply? Should be a crime.

  2. Mandi,

    The light for Ivey’s room makes me want to swoon! Simply stunning! But do you know what I go in the mail yesterday… the crystal chandelier my mom bought in 1975 when we lived in Germany! The gold plating is worn so a little spray paint will spruce her up…. maybe white or some funky color like tangerine! Have a great day!! Cool chair by the way!

  3. I love the chair. I just pulled something similar out of my neighbors trash pile! Just didn’t know how to make pretty. I also snagged a dresser, two tall tables and a small cabinet from her – yes she’s CRAZY.

  4. That chair is so amazing! Your style has always been so great, but you have grown so much. This latest batch of redecorating is so grown up and chic, but still has that Mandi stamp on it. 🙂 I recently found the 3 matching retro kitchen canisters to match the one I bought at a garage sale 2 years ago. $9.00 for all three, Score!!!!

  5. Oh man! You find the bestest stuff! And at such great prices! Our Goodwill charges (not exaggerating here) $175 for a beat up dresser with drawers missing! I did find a couple cheap brassy chandeliers though. And I scooped up a small tufted leather chair for $5. It’s completely to-up, but the bones are great. So perhaps I will try my hand at reupholstering? I’m guessing that leather is more difficult to pry off than fabric, huh? :/

  6. I went to HomeGoods for my first time ever today! I bought a wooden pig with wings, lol. I’m going to spray paint it to go with the living room. I haven’t shown it to my husband yet, but I think he’ll think I’m crazy, haha

  7. I found an amazing brown textured vinyl chair that has a curved back, awesome brass accents and nailhead. It’s amazing and will be cleaned up and on my site tomorrow at Light Glass and Trend.

  8. I love the chair and your persistance on getting the drapes. I am so like that lol.
    Are you going to use the drapes as material to recover something, the material is so cute. I buy vintage skirt and dresses and cut them up and use them recover small stools etc.Material is material its cute and cheaper than buying material so that works for me.
    I found a cute 3 dollar end table that I painted and did the postcard look on. I love it.

  9. Seriously how many times do you go to the DI every day or are you really just that lucky!?! I envy your awesome DI finds. I’ve maybe found eh a total of two things at our DI that I would label as an “awesome find”. I love all of your new items!

  10. I always find cute stuff at my thrift store! I just scored an awesome free buffet at the thrift store a couple weeks ago! See my blog to check it out. Amazing the stuff and deals I get! Why buy new??

    Thrift Diving

  11. I’m lovin’ the curtains. Lately, I’ve struck out at our Goodwill. So sad. I’m always a wee bit jealous at your finds, but good for you!!! 🙂

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