Modern Openwork Cube Planter DIY


I just cant believe what a huge difference a live plant makes in a space. If a room in your house is feeling a little ho hum, get your cute butt a plant. They are a really great inexpensive way

DIY Living Wall | Wooden Dowel Plant Holders


Are you guys ready for an easy statement wall DIY?! I love the impact of a living wall. Bringing plants into your house give it a life and energy that only living things can. If you’re a plant hoarder like

Modern DIY Christmas Tree (Wooden Dowels)


If you’re into modern, simplistic, and minimalist decor this project is for you!! This easy DIY wooden dowel Christmas tree is a little bit of Christmas decor for those that maybe don’t want their house to look like the North

15 Minute DIY Scrap Wood Shelf


Anyone and everyone knows that you’re not supposed to throw away scrap wood. But like, what are you supposed to do with it?! THIS PROJECT IS THE ONE YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR! These cute DIY wood shelves are easy peasy

How to Mount (and Care for) a Staghorn Fern


Staghorn Ferns are one of the coolest most fascinating plants to use in home decor. They are great planted in a planter, but the really cool thing is that they can also be mounted on a board and hung on

Giant Wooden Peg Board DIY!


This peg board wall treatment is perfect for any house! Because the wooden pegs are interchangeable you can mix, match, and customize to your hearts content, its the decor equivalent of the 80’s staple Units! This oversized pegboard can be used

DIY Platform Bed (In Just 3 Steps!)


You can build this DIY Platform Bed in literally 3 steps. Do you have a Saturday afternoon? Good, because you can make this bed and still have time for a leisurely stroll through Home Depot.

DIY Ladder Shelves


This DIY A-Frame Ladder Shelf tutorial is a quick weekend project that adds some crazy style to your home. These ladder shelves are completely customizable, you can build 2 or 7, depending on the space you have to fill!  

Amy’s Guest Room Source List!


Hey hey!! I’m back today with all the delicious details of the guest room makeover I did for my sister Amy! Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I wish there was more DIY involved, but this was done