The Top 10 Worst Projects on Vintage Revivals

By Mandi 04/28/2015

I have been getting a ton of emails lately from readers about to embark on their first DIY project. It must be the nice weather that brings out the painter in us all! I always end the email with the simple fact that their project cant be worse than my first (hundred) DIYs. So in the spirit of full disclosure (and to make you feel a little bit better about your project fails) I would like to submit for your enjoyment the Top 10 WORST projects on Vintage Revivals.

Top 10 Worst Projects on Vintage Revivals (oh these are hilarious!!)

Oh my gads, I cant believe I am doing this.

#10  Roy the Rhino. I feel like Roy always had a little bit of an inbred look about him…




#9 Toddler Proof Toothbrush Holder. Because hello, drilling a hole at the end of a new toothbrush every time you need a new one (which was frequently) is the easiest and most practical solution to this problem. And that paper! Oh my gosh. Someone hold my hair.




#8 Roman Numeral Wall Art Ok so this idea wasn’t the worst thing ever. But the execution of the green one? Why.

ERM 4 141[3]



#7 Junkins

junkins 3



#6 Tin Foil Nightstand. This was quite the controversial post, there was a lot of haters…clearly for good reason.




#5  Street Lamp. Because a giant glass globe balancing on a floor lamp is always a good idea.




#4 The Nugget Cabinets (round 1)  Man these things just weren’t working, no matter what I did. Glad that I fixed them and didn’t just live with it.




#3 That time I thought it was a good idea to spray paint my backsplash orange




#2 Vicki.  What in the actual hell was I thinking!?. Luckily I came to my senses. But still. Tragic.

vicki 1[38]



#1 My first project ever. The yellow end table. Painting in 100 degree heat is never a good idea, especially when it’s your first time trying it.

IMG_6807 (2)


And just for fun, a bonus entry. Gumdrop art. At least I recognized it for what it was at the time.

Gumdrop Art 040[3]


So there you have it. The worst things that have come out of Vintage Revivals. Man I am glad to have moved past that yellow, gray, glaze everything phase. I hope you had a good laugh and understand the absolute truth that there is NOTHING that you can do that would be worse than these.


42 thoughts on “The Top 10 Worst Projects on Vintage Revivals”

  1. You are incredible. Thank you for sharing these — it’s so inspiring to see how your style has evolved!!

  2. Haha! There was that time I painted my mudroom this bright Pear Green with a Dark Teal accent wall… but wait that’s not all. I had a door on the wall with shelves all painted dark teal and used bright red polka-dotty brackets. Um. Yeah. I knew it was horrible at the time and never even posted it.

    It’s so funny to look back and see how taste changes, isn’t it? What’s another 3 years going to bring???

  3. I love this so much. Just goes to show you have to start somewhere. And if you keep trying and keep learning and tearing your hair out it can turn into something magnificent.

  4. I think there are people out there that may like some of these items! You never know! : /

  5. How inspiring! Look at all the lessons learned…..and funnily shared. That take real guts, and down-right honesty to do what you did in this post. praise you for your creativity style, and your wonderful sense of humor and how you move past your “what was I thinking?” moments, with style and grace. Seriously, awesome Dude! Be Great! =)

  6. I can’t stop looking at Roy the Rhino and laughing my head off! I like him, he’s very humorous looking, a pleasant though odd creature in a weird setting! I may have to use him as my desktop wallpaper so I can start the day off with a good giggle! Your, “What was I thinking” project has merit as Laughter is the Best Medicine and is so therapeutic! Roy is a winner in my book! Does that make me a little crazy?! Maybe but I don’t think so! I like weird! Thanks for the good laugh!

  7. But, what about the Birdhouse????? You remember THE BIRDHOUSE!!!!!! Hahahahaa!!!! Jk!!! 😉 The inbred rhino made me laugh out loud! !!! Good one!!!!

  8. OMG hilarious post Mandi but truth! We all have created that kind of stuff, bravo you’re so brave to spotlight it ha ha! Love this so much especially in light of your awesomeness. xoxo

  9. I loved Vicki! And I liked the tin foil nightstand. And the Roman Numeral art that you had in YOUR house (not the green one that I think you did for someone else) was a-maz-ing!

  10. Absolutely a riot!!! I love your side comments. Yes, you’ve had some “winners”, but I know I’ve had more “winners” than you have! I have stunk the place up numerous times. The best part of our “fails” is that in time, they provide the greatest “laugh ’til your belly hurts” laughs we could ever hope for. Sharing them with friends makes them all the more hilarious.

  11. HAAAHA! That was awesome. I soooo needed that. After my last post, which I thought was going to be the best thing ever, ended up sooo mediocre. Reminds me to just have fun, breathe and let everything fall in place. Thanks 🙂

  12. Hello Mandi! This is why you’re one my my absolute favourite ones. You make so much great stuff and have us all drooling over your work yet you’re not afraid of showing your human side. Thank you for sharing your imperfections along with your perfections, especially today when I needed a litle boost to my self-diyer-esteem 🙂

    Ps. I really love how Vicki looks now so don’t beat yourself up too hard on that one!

  13. I absolutely love that you have such a sense of humor and perspective. If all we ever show is our “perfect” work and blog-worthy moments, we miss the chance to really connect with other people. Hooray for you!

  14. I remember EVERY ONE of these projects! [yep, that’s how long I’ve been stalking – I mean following – you!] And… just so you know, I love love LOVED the tin foil nightstand and still do. That orange back-splash however? Yeah… that one is worthy of this list. Regardless, you are AMAZEBALLS my dear!

  15. Can I just say something? I started following your blog BECAUSE of Roy the Rhino. And the streetlamp globe light. And I definitely made the yellow end table project (maybe multiple times?) But here’s the cool thing: I’ve continued reading for that long and have seen my own tastes evolve as yours did. They haven’t always gone in the same direction, but reading this and visually experiencing the changes that have occurred in your work has opened my eyes to the same in mine! And realizing you’ve grown is waaaaay cool. But YOU started the whole DIY journey with Roy the Rhino. For me anyways. 🙂 Love it!

  16. hey now, i like the yellow end table! lol i remember finding your blog thru that. it’s iconic! it represents the beginning of your blog journey and i think it’s around the time when DIY really took the wheel on home decor!

  17. Most of the things I make, I don’t like. Sometimes they grow on me and sometimes not. The cabinets in the Nugget were the worst as they ruined the whole inside of that place. The Rhino is cute just not coming out of that smashed up mirror. Orange backsplash is vomit inducing. Have no idea what you were thinking of with the green painted board. The toothbrushes are cute.
    No idea what is wrong with the big screen tv photo. Looks good to me.

  18. Haha, this was one funny post. I cannot believe these are your projects, the green roman numerals? get out! You have grown Much! I guess there’s hope for me too 🙂
    Thank you for sharing

  19. Omg, I’m dying! I’m a fairly new reader and, to be honest, I kind of thought the “fearless” thing was a gimmick. Boy, was I wrong! Thank you so much for sharing – it’s hilarious to read how proud you were of some of your fails at the time! Reminds us all that there’s room to grow!

    1. Hey Dee!
      Oh my gosh I am so glad that you can appreciate the horrifying beginning that VR had. I feel like its evolved into Fearless…from Wreckless as Heck and Uneducated. Lots of mistakes (still lots) but I’m glad you found your way here! Your comment was exactly what I needed today (funny how that happens right?) so thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to leave it!


  20. HOLD ON! Those first projects are what so many people fell in love with your creative and out-of-the box thinking crafts. Those got you a ton of followers. You inspired thousands and thousands of people from those. To say they were failures is simply incorrect. Your style may have evolved, but most of those rocked at the time and got creative juices flowing in so many people. You’ve come a long way, but those projects would be my best projects ever:)

    1. That’s exactly what I was thinking! I started reading VR gosh must have been 4-5 years ago and I actually did the tin foil night stand loved it but it never got used and I still have the yellow night stand that is exactly like hers lol it’s gone from living room to porch to garage and like you said 4-5 years ago that style was so in! And frankly I miss the colorful Mandi sometimes even tho her newer work is killer I still have a soft spot for painted furniture ?

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